Sunday, January 3, 2010

Just got back from my first 30 minute walk with my eight year old daughter, Madeline, setting the pace. She has declared herself my official trainer, which seems about right since I don't think I have been in decent shape since I was 8. We walked in the freezing cold morning air and Madeline barked military commands at me to keep me going. Not a mountain, but a start, none-the-less. My ears are frozen, but I am sweaty all over. I wish I could say something inspiring like " it was the sweat that dreams are made of, " but really, I just feel sort of clammy and I will need to remind myself to wear earmuffs next time I decide to go out in 20 degree weather. I did keep getting the distinct impression of being followed, but that was probably just my ass struggling to keep up. At any rate, the sun was beautiful, the air was crisp, and I feel proud to have begun. A 5k seems wayyyyyyyyy down the road, but, thankfully, so is October.

1 comment:

  1. Success is born of such subtle baby steps, Bev. I applaud you for every step you take. Your work is perfect, inspiring and just what it needs to be regardless of how quickly or easily you acquire your goal. You are perfect even now, in this very moment, crispy cool ears and all. Remember this moment clearly because a few weeks from now you will be amazed it seemed so hard. Brava! -Christine Robert
